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Welfare Reform and Working People Survey


How would you cope with £100 less a month?

Throughout February – March 2016 we are inviting local people to take part in research.

With recent suggested changes to Tax Credits and actual changes to Universal Credit making the headlines, welfare reform will begin to directly affect the incomes of many working people in Shropshire. When people start making the transition from Tax Credits to Universal Credit they are likely to see significant falls in the money they receive.

At the moment in Shropshire only single claimants with no dependent children can claim Universal Credit, but this will change in the future.

We would like to find out how local Shropshire residents who are working and claiming Universal Credit or Tax Credits (working and/or family) think they would cope with this change in income, and what options they feel are available to them. It is important that we find out if people think its realistic to find more hours on top of those they already work, and how they would manage with less money – would they use credit cards, or an overdraft? What would they cut back their spending on – holidays, clothes, putting money into savings, food, or fuel?

We want to hear from as many people as possible, so please let your family, friends and colleagues know about the survey so they can fill it out too.

You can share our link to the survey on Facebook, and re-tweet from our Twitter.

If you would prefer to fill out a paper version of the survey, please pop in to one of our receptions. You can find out our locations across Shropshire and our opening times here.