Shropshire Information Advice and Support Service
Welcome to Shropshire IASS
We provide information, advice and support to parents and carers of children aged 0 to 25, and young people aged 16 to 25 who have, or may have, special educational needs or disabilities (SEND).
How we can help you:
- We will listen to your concerns, provide relevant information and help you to explore your options.
- Support you to prepare for upcoming meetings including annual reviews.
- Explain reports written by professionals.
- Provide information about SEN and disability law to enable you to make informed decisions regarding your child’s education.
- Support you to develop positive relationships and improve communication with schools and the local authority.
- Signpost you to other relevant organisations or sources of information.
We also provide:
- Unlimited access to our online training packages available on our website
- Factsheets and useful information available on our website
- Termly newsletters
- Regular and up to date information via our Facebook Page
- Support for young people via our Young IASS Shropshire Facebook Page
Accessing our service
We support parents/ carers of children with SEND up to age 16, however once the young person reaches 16 it is a legal requirement that they are directly involved in decision making themselves, either with or without their parents’ involvement.
Some young people are unable to make their own decisions, some prefer for us to continue working closely with their parents and others wish to be more independent. When you contact us, we will discuss the best way to support you. If you are 16 and over, have a look at our ‘Young People’ information page.
You need to live in Shropshire and you or your child does not need a formal diagnosis for SEND.
Quality Standards and regulatory body.
The service meets the Department for Education’s (DfE) Quality Standards for services providing Information, Advice and Support. The standards expected of IAS Services can be found in the IASS Network Quality Standards. IASSs have a national network, IASSN, based in the Council for Disabled Children in London. IASSN works closely with the DFE. Unhappy with the service? – let us know.