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Pension Wise

Pension Wise is a free and impartial government service about the different ways you can take money from your pension. Pension Wise is now part of MoneyHelper.

You can book a telephone appointment – a 45 minute conversation between you and a Pension Wise guidance specialist. You’ll get guidance on:

  • your pension options
  • tax
  • which options might be suitable for you
  • what you can do next

Appointments are over the phone. At the end you get a summary of the pension options and possible next steps. To book an appointment you should be 50 years old or over and have a defined contribution pension.

We offer free and impartial information and guidance to help you make the most of your money and pensions.

Our service is designed to support you in making your own informed decisions based on your circumstances.
We don’t give legal or regulated financial advice or recommend specific financial products because we aren’t regulated or authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority to do so. This means we can’t tell you what the best option is for you, or what to do with your money or pension.
If you’re looking for personalised money or pensions advice or specific product recommendations, you’ll need to see a regulated financial adviser or seek legal advice.
Find out more about when and how to get professional advice in our guide Do you need a financial adviser:…/do-you-need-a….

If you need legal advice, you can find a solicitor on the Law Society website:

For more information visit the Pension Wise website or phone 0800 138 3944 (or +44 20 3733 3495 if you’re outside the UK) to book an appointment.

For information about the Pension Wise privacy policy click here.