Shropshire IASS – Information for young people

Are you aged 25 or under? Do you have special educational needs or manage a disability?
Special educational needs are when you need extra support to learn things. The law says that you can get information, advice and support.
You can come to us if you want some help with getting the right kind of:
- support at school, college, or training
- health services
- care and support
- preparing for adulthood
Our service is impartial which means we will not tell you what to do.
We will not take sides and our service is confidential. This means our meetings are private and we will only tell people what we talk about if you say it is ok.
We will give you the information and support you need to make your own choices.
Shropshire IASS Youth Worker

Shropshire IASS video on Confidentiality
Connect with us on Facebook:
Fact sheets for young people:
- Confidentiality
- How can IASS Help?
- Education, Health and Care Plans – Young People
- Annual reviews
- Personal Budgets – Young People
- The Local Offer
- What to expect from IASS
Useful links and information:
Shropshire’s youth information advice and guidance service – previously Connexions careers service
Council for disabled children – youth blog
Shropshire Local Offer – for young people
No Panic -general advice and support for people with anxiety
Kooth – online counselling and support for children and young people
We Are With You – help with substance abuse for those aged 10-18
Young Minds -find out about some common feelings and mental health symptoms, how to cope, and where to go to get help.
Kidscape – No matter what, there is never an excuse for bullying and you are not to blame. However, there are things you can do that could help you cope with bullying, or get it to stop.