Change in Citizens Advice Whitchurch session day and hours from week beginning 6 July 2015
Change in Citizens Advice session day and hours from week beginning 6 July
The weekly information and advice session held in the Civic Offices, Whitchurch, by Citizens Advice Shropshire is changing to Wednesdays. From week beginning 6 July, the session will be held on Wednesdays from 10am – 1pm for members of the public to drop in. There is a limited number of appointments offered too for detailed advice and form completion. Currently, the sessions are Mondays 10am – 12noon.
Jackie Jeffrey, Chief Executive Officer, Citizens Advice Shropshire, said
“We are very pleased to be offering this change in service. Moving to Wednesdays means that Bank Holidays will not disrupt the service. We have also been able to extend the service offered by an hour each week.”
Citizens Advice Shropshire is able to offer this weekly information and advice session because of the financial support of the Jane Higginson Trust, Whitchurch Town Council and The Rotary Club of Whitchurch.
Citizens Advice Shropshire has vacancies for volunteers to provide information and advice, especially at Oswestry bureau. Full training will be provided. Please contact Cris Willis, Training Supervisor, on 07910872592 – please note, this number is for enquiries about volunteering only.
For advice or information about a problem, please ring 03444991100 Monday –Friday 10am – 4pm (Tuesday 10am – 6p