Category: News
Places are available on our information and recruitment sessions in 2017. These will be at: Shrewsbury office (15 College Hill, Shrewsbury SY1 1LY) on Wednesday 18th January 2017 10-2.30 pm. Oswestry office (34 Arthur Street, Oswestry, SY11 1JN) on Wednesday 26th January 2017, 10-2:30pm
The average age of people in Shropshire getting help with their pension is 60 despite free guidance being available for anyone over 50, reveals the Pension Wise team at Citizens Advice Shropshire. This means people could be planning their retirement finances 10 years before finishing work, to make sure they have the right money to […]
Our Ludlow and Oswestry offices will be closed on Wednesday 16th March. Ludlow will be open again on 17th March & Oswestry will open as normal on 18th March. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
“Flexi-access drawdown”, “open market option” and “safeguarded benefits” are some of the pension terms most confusing for consumers, reveals Citizens Advice Shropshire The local charity, which delivers face to face Pension Wise appointments in Shropshire, says people would find it easier to understand their pensions if the industry used simple, standard language to describe their […]
How would you cope with £100 less a month? Throughout February – March 2016 we are inviting local people to take part in research. With recent suggested changes to Tax Credits and actual changes to Universal Credit making the headlines, welfare reform will begin to directly affect the incomes of many working people in […]
Please promote and share this survey. If you’re LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Trans* ) and live, work socialise or volunteer in Shropshire please fill it out! We would love to hear from you. PLEASE NOTE: The questionnaire is intended to be completed by LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Trans) people. If you do not […]
Check out our updated hate crime page with our informative slider. Hate crime and hate incidents are acts of violence or hostility directed at people because of who they are or who someone thinks they are. For example, you may have been verbally abused by someone in the street because you’re disabled, because of […]
Today at the Shrewsbury Bureau we got a huge treat from our fabulous finance officer Katharine. We were spoiled with homemade chocolate cake with a salted caramel chocolate spread filling, ginger and plum muffins and cheese scones – lucky us! The hashtag #MacmillanCoffeeMorning was trending 5th on Twitter for all of the UK, and staff […]
Citizens Advice Shropshire has become aware that impostors claiming to be from the CAB are cold calling people in Shropshire. Jackie Jeffrey Chief Executive Officer for Citizens Advice Shropshire said: “We want to stress to everyone that no genuine CAB adviser, or anyone else connected with the CAB service, would ever phone or text […]
For a face-to-face appointment call our Pension Wise Delivery Centre on: 01743 284165 Appointments available in :- Shrewsbury, Ludlow, Oswestry, Whitchurch & Telford. What will my appointment cover? Your appointment will last about 45 minutes. Your trained guidance specialist will explain: What you can do with your pension pot and the different options you have […]