Annual General Meeting

We’d love to see you among us at our in-person
Annual General Meeting!
Join us on Thursday 24th November 2022 5.15 pm to 8.00 pm at Shropshire Wildlife Trust, The Abbeygate Hall, Shropshire Wildlife Trust, The Cut, 193 Abbey Foregate, Shrewsbury SY2 6AH to celebrate another year of making a difference to the lives of over seven thousand people in Shropshire.
If you would like to join our celebration please let us know by 17th November by emailing
5:15 to 5:30 pm
5:30 to 6:30 pm
6:30 to 8:00 pm
Refreshments and reception
Opening welcome and thank you to our staff and volunteers – Chris Boote (Chair of Trustees, Citizens Advice Shropshire)
Review of the year – Jackie Jeffrey (Chief Executive, Citizens Advice Shropshire)
Annual General Meeting
Apologies for absence and courtesies
Resolution 1
Resolution 2
Resolution 3
Resolution 4
Resolution 5
Resolution 6
To approve the Minutes of the AGM held on 25 November 2021
To accept the Directors’ & Trustees’ Annual Report 2021/22
To accept the Auditor’s Report and Annual Accounts
To elect Trustees/Directors of the Company
To report appointed Trustee/Directors and declaration of fitness to be a trustee
To appoint auditors James, Holyoak and Parker
Election of Volunteer observer/ representative
Close of meeting by 8:00 pm
Directions to the venue
The difference we make
We provide free, independent, confidential and impartial advice to everyone on their rights and responsibilities. We value diversity, promote equality and challenge discrimination.
Our Impact in 2021/22